Comedy101 Playlist for 11.20.08
An early Thanksgiving Day show
  1. Gourmet Restaurant- Ray Stevens
  2. Little Blue Man- Betty Johnson
  3. Chinese Buffet- John Pinette (s-up)
  4. Hail To Thee, Fat Person- Allan Sherman
  5. Macho Robot- The Android Sisters
  6. The Coprophagia Diet- Daniel Tosh (s-up)
  7. Columbus Discovers America- Stan Freberg
  8. You Can Call Me Stupid- The Smothers Brothers
  9. The Personal Information Waltz- Demetri Martin (s-up)
  10. Pilgrim's Progress, Take an Indian to Lunch- Stan Freberg
  11. Ducks Bread- Mitch Hedberg (s-up)
  12. Alice's Restaurant Massacree- Arlo Guthrie
  13. The Thanksgiving Story (Under the Double Turkey)- Stan Freberg
  14. Freaks and Weirdos- Mark Gross (s-up)
  15. Having Fun is Bad For You- The Arrogant Worms
  16. Spaz Attack- 2NU
  17. Breakfast In Heaven- Father Guido Sarduci (s-up)
  18. Me Pants Fall Down- Da Vinci's Notebook
  19. Parrot Sketch- Monty Python (#1 best ever comedy sketch...'cause I said so)
  20. Fussy Eater- George Carlin (s-up)
  21. Freakin' At The Freakers Ball- Shel Silverstein
  22. Family- Rodney Dangerfield (s-up)

    Eat, Drink and be Merry!
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